Oh, my! I just managed to get back onto this page after a long period of inactivity. In looking at the date of my last post, I was shocked to see that it has been over four years! Where in the world have I been, you ask?
Well, a lot has gone on during this time period! First, I started having arthritis pains in my hand, mostly my thumbs, and could not crochet any longer. It was heartbreaking as this was my passion and my therapy. Right now, I struggle to open lids, hold things down, etc. Wow, four years seems so long ago and I have surely missed my therapy!
Over the past four years, my thumbs have become progressively worse requiring me to get steriod injections every three months and the doctor has has said the only other option is surgery. The surgery is called CMC Arthroplasty where he would remove the damaged bone in my hand/thumb area and then stretch tendons from my wrist to my thumb, hopefully allowing me to gain more strength in the thumb. I have heard that it could take 12 months before you are actually glad that you had the surgery. Honestly? Ain't nobody got time for that! I have rescheduled it three times and finally decided that I am going to wait until I cannot take it any longer! I have also decided no more injections!
I also retired from teaching in 2016 after 23 years. I'd always heard that you would know when you were done. I did! I actually surprised myself (and my husband), making the decision just a few months before school was out. I finished out the year and haven't looked back. I, then, ran a successful business from home but, after 2 1/2 years of non-stop going and not being able to separate business from personal, I finally closed down shop, and, well, here I am !
BUT...and this is the big but! I decided that I am going to crochet again! I've bought a few special gloves and a thumb brace (links to these items will be added shortly) and it is working well. I have been crocheting like mad for the past week and a half but do monitor myself carefully. When my thumb starts getting sore, I ice it down with some frozen peas (best ice pack on earth) and I'm good to go. No anti-inflammatories, no shots, no nothing!
I am so thrilled that finally I decided to give it a try again! My crochet bag has been calling to me for too many years, whenever I opened my craft closet, so I decided to go for it. Glad I did. I will be posting some of my new work soon and will have a yarn giveaway too!
And, remember, this isn't just about crocheting. I have shared all of my crafting projects and crafting fun and will continue to do so! I recently started painting and distressing Mason jars and love the end product!
More to come!
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